Think SDG´s by Scales

The Sustainable Development Goals created by the ONU propose a plan for action to create a sustainable world for all its inhabitants. With Manual Thinking we offer a easy to use, hands-on format with which schools, companies, institutions and individuals can explore what they can do to contribute to accomplish all 17 goals, set for the agenda of 2030.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals include themes as big as ending hunger (2), obtaining gender equality (5) or achieving peace and justice (16). How can we affront goals with such magnitude? A good manner to work with the SDG is to explore them precisely by different scales of action. First we pick one of the 17 goals to place in the centre of our map. Starting with the small scale, we begin to explore what we can do ourselves in our intimate environment, regarding the chosen goal. From there on we work or way up to other scales, to discover what actions we can undertake with our family, neighborhood, company, up till ideas and solutions for governmental or even worldwide implementations.

Try it yourself! You can download the templates for free. Just print them on our labels and get started!

For more information on the Sustainable Development Goals, visit:

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