Kanban Map – Scrumboard
The Kanban method is an effective way to manage and plan tasks. The system was originated in Japan by the company Toyota to implement the"Lean Manufacturing” protocol and maximize their production efficiency. The method is a dynamic visualization of tasks(To Do),tasks(In progress),and tasks (Done).
Kanban board o Scrum board.
To implement the Kanban method for planning a specific project in a concrete time span, we can complete the basic scheme (To Do, In Progress and Done) with a Backlog and Sprints. First of all, all necessary tasks and activities related to the project are collected in the Backlog segment, offering a good perspective of our objectives. Next, you select and plan when you are going to realize each task, organizing them in the To Do , which is divided in various time spans or Sprints . Each of these Sprints can last a day, various days, a week or even a moth depending on type of project.
Once we have all tasks planned in Sprints we can start working (To Do), Focus on one task at a time, and transfer this task from the To Do section to the In Progress section. Once the task is done, pass it to the Done. This last move is very important to visualize what we have achieved so far. For more group efficiency you can use color labels to emphasize its importance or to show who is responsible for each task.
The Kanban method will help you execute a project in an agile and fast way. The planned tasks give clarity to the team, the tasks in progress help you to focus, and the accumulation of finished tasks bring great satisfaction and motivation to keep working. The Kanban Manual Thinking tool offers you the opportunity to implement the Kanban method in an organized, esthetic and portable way Kanban .
To prepare your own Kanban map we offer you the following templates:
- Simple Kanban
- Kanban with Backlog and Sprints (also known as Scrum Board)
- Kanban with Backlog and Sprints on separate labels to work in columns.
Download and print the templates to start preparing your Kanban! Remember, if you share your results and tag us on social media, we can give you feedback.
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