workshops a medida manual thinking


Tailor-made workshops

Manual Thinking has been conceived in Luki Huber's design studio as a result of the optimisation of the creative process in which the client's teams are invited to participate. Since the creation of Manual Thinking in 2009, we have accompanied a large number of companies and organisations in the process of searching for opportunities and defining their strategies. Manual Thinking's versatility enables us to offer a wide range of tailor-made work processes.



The basic use of Manual Thinking is easy and is well explained in our book Manual Thinking. For those who want to learn more about how to lead workshops with Manual Thinking in an optimal way and/or how to get the most out of a Manual Thinking workspace, we have a certification programme.

Manual thinking workspace empresas introducción
co diseño manual thinking


Co-design of workshops with specialists

Our best clients are usually teachers and trainers specialised in a certain subject who have found Manual Thinking to be an optimal tool to work on their subject in a group setting. Among the professionals who have been certified in Manual Thinking and act under the philosophy of our brand, we select and recommend official ambassadors either by territory or by type of speciality.


Manual Thinking Alliances

We offer three types of partnerships with certified Manual Thinking experts.
Co-designed workshops with specialists, Workspace partners and distributors.

Customised workshops with specialists

We design workshops with specialists with a sectorial approach.

Workspace partners

It is a certified Manual Thinking partner that sets up a Manual Thinking space in a given territory.


For distant territories we are looking for distributors who must be certified in Manual Thinking and ideally have a Manual Thinking Workspace.