Product & Service Design - Manual Thinking - Tools for co-creation

Product & Service Design

Manual Thinking has been created in the product design studio of Luki Huber. It originated out of the need to manage the systematic and creative workshops the studio organizes with its clients, to find and develop functional and innovative products and services.

Today, our Product & Service Design projects still stand at the core of our business. The client´s team and other strategic guests are invited to participate in the creative product development process, in order to discover new opportunities together and align all involved parties for the creation of a win to win project. After the enriching experience of discovering different ways to innovate, we can accompany our clients towards the design and market implementation.

The primary focus points of our design service:


Parting from the Manual Thinking work approach, we gather know-how, discover new business opportunities, learn from each other, and align all implicated persons.


We look for novel and functional solutions that respond to real needs, with an aspect of inventiveness that help to distinguish our clients from its competitors.


We perceive the current day ecologic challenges as an opportunity for innovation, and therefore incorporate its values from the very beginning of the creation process.

Do you want to approach the market with a new and original product or service? Contact us for a collaboration proposal!